Thursday, 3 February 2011

Let's Write

Tell me about your grandparents
  1. How old are they?
  2. Where do they live?
  3. What do you do with them?
  4. When do you see them?
Click on the comments and write your answers here.


  1. 1)My grandmother is 56 years old and my garandfatheri is 60 years old.
    2)They live in Istanbul.
    3)I paly game , watch tv and talk with them.
    4)I see with them on saturdays

  2. 1-My grandmother is 63 years old my grandfather is 71 years old
    2-They live in istanbul
    3-Talk,watch TV,eat some foodand go to supermarket
    4-I sometime see they

  3. 1.My grandmother is 66 years old and my grandfather is 72 years old.
    2.They live near my house.
    3.I go to the movies and shopping centers with them.
    4.I see them at the weekends.

  4. My grandmother is 77.
    They live in İsatanbul
    I see always see them.
